From: 2020 to 2021

Near Marburg in Hessen, Germany, plans to build the archaeological open-air museum Zeiteninsel slowly come to fruition. They received funding for the construction of the site, but also needed to develop an interpretation framework. This needed to be based on the concepts behind the museum. Where over the years, a lot was implicitly defined, it was my task, together with Raumkonzepte, a firm from Nordrhein Westfalen, to make things more explicit and accessible to those not involved in the planning yet. We structured the museum concept following national and international standards and helped Zeiteninsel fill in the blanks.
Both the museum concept and the interpretation framework are just a start; it requires a more detailed study to get everything in order, but with the first concepts ready, the rest will flow from this. Although I knew Zeitensinsel and my cooperation partner Raumkonzepte already for a long time, it was hard to develop plans which normally require tight cooperation and real life meetings, due to the 2021 COVID pandemic. Despite the challenges, we managed to get the work ready in time.