From: 2014 to 2015

Megalithic Routes e.V. is an association going back on a German initiative from 2004 to create routes along megalithic monuments. With about 15 members in six countries by 2014, the ambition was set to become more professional and also enlarge the circle of members and routes. I had conservations with about 25 members, advisors and stakeholders before I presented what I thought was the common vision of the association in Borger in February 2014. Even with just 15 members, opinions had never been discussed very explicitly and therefore finding out the exact common grounds of all was imperative.
As follow-up, I created a more detailed plan with work packages revolving around cultural and sustainable tourism as well as PR & Communication and of course research & Development. New members were very much willing to join Megalithic Routes and with the help of the Board and the Founding Fathers, the Association could become more professional in no time and we could see many more new Megalithic Routes.